Does Dr. Meister only see children and adolescents? What does she specialize in?
While the majority of Dr. Meister’s practice consists of children, adolescents, and young adults, Dr. Meister sees adults on a case-by-case basis.
Dr. Meister specializes in Specific Learning Disorders (including dyslexia and dysgraphia), Language Disorders, ADHD, executive functioning challenges, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and giftedness/twice-exceptionality.
Dr. Meister also has expertise in assessing individuals with anxiety (including Selective Mutism), OCD, depression, and trauma-related symptoms.
What does the evaluation process look like?
The process begins with a 15 minute phone consultation so that Dr. Meister can obtain a general sense of your current concerns and goals for the evaluation. During this consultation call, Dr. Meister will also describe her philosophy and approach in order for both parties to determine if working together is a good fit.
If yes, a parent intake appointment will be scheduled so that Dr. Meister can obtain an in-depth understanding of the client’s history. Intakes typically last about an hour to an hour and a half.
Afterwards, testing appointments are scheduled, typically over the course of several days, lasting several hours each day. When appropriate, Dr. Meister will conduct a classroom observation at your child’s school (or a virtual one). Further, Dr. Meister will collect information from teachers and other individuals who work closely with your child, such as tutors or therapists.
Finally, a feedback appointment is scheduled in which Dr. Meister presents the results of the assessment, including an overview of your child’s strengths and challenges, as well as a roadmap of recommendations. Parents will also receive a written report that can be used to obtain appropriate educational services (i.e., special education services) and intervention (e.g., psychiatric care, psychotherapy).
Dr. Meister will provide recommendations around school placement and has knowledge of public, private, and special education schools in the New York area. Dr. Meister will also follow up with individuals working with your child, such as teachers and other professionals, to ensure the best treatment and school plan for your child’s needs. Dr. Meister often participates in IEP meetings and testifies in impartial hearings.
Does Dr. Meister accept insurance?
Dr. Meister is an out-of-network provider. She can advise you about how to inquire with your insurance company about out-of-network benefits, deductibles, and prior authorization for psychological and neuropsychological testing.
Some families are able to apply the cost of the evaluation toward their out-of-network deductible, and other families are able to receive partial reimbursement, though this is not guaranteed.
Does Dr. Meister conduct virtual sessions?
Dr. Meister typically conducts intake and feedback appointments virtually, using a HIPAA-compliant video platform. These sessions can also be held in person, if this is preferred by the client.
The majority of psychological and neuropsychological testing will be conducted in person at the office. There are some aspects of the evaluation that can be conducted virtually, as needed.
How should I prepare my child for the evaluation process?
Parents should explain to their child that they will be meeting with a doctor (who doesn’t give shots!) to see how they think and learn. They will complete different activities and games including working with blocks, solving puzzles, and answering questions. Younger children will be able to earn small prizes from our prize box for their cooperation and for putting forth their best efforts.
Parents can also share that the doctor will be finding out what their strengths are as well as what they might need some help with from their parents and teachers (and other professionals working with them). Parents should not tell their child that they are coming in to the office to take a test (no need to increase anxiety!). Brief feedback can be provided to older children and adolescents at the end of the evaluation process.
Depending on the situation, this can be done privately or with the parents in the session. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and has breakfast before the session (you should also pack snacks/drinks for testing appointments).
Does Dr. Meister see clients for individual therapy or parent coaching?
Dr. Meister currently carries a small caseload of individual therapy clients and parent coaching cases. She is not currently taking on additional therapy clients at this time but is happy to refer you to one of her trusted colleagues.
Dr. Meister is able to provide parents with one-time or short term consultation and support services. This may include coaching around specific educational or behavioral issues, review/explanation of private or school-based assessments, and participation in IEP/school meetings.